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Referals from clients
Here you can find some referals of enthusiastic clients and seminar participants who have worked with me.

Lorenz Wenger, Management development
Bettina Hofstätter, Expert for corporate culture
Verena Bühler, Transformation-Expert
Andrea Kaden, Efficient office organization
Sabina Kocherhans, The Customer Wower
Survey Stefan Geukes, Axel Maluschka, Sabine Weithmann
Referals about lectures

Ilona Vogel, Expert for Leadership and Successful Teams
When you are on stage, you are often very busy with the "hard facts": how do I structure my speech, what content do I want to convey, what main message should my audience take away.... Wiebke Huhs shows impressively how important the voice is during the performance. And not only theoretically... She herself is the living example and she shows impressively how voice can work, and how much it can not work and how that sounds then. And the best part: she didn't let me off the hook! I had to practice, practice, practice.... Because only then you learn to use your voice. Thank you Wiebke, I will now always think of you when I go on stage!

Ansgar Wimmer, Agility Expert
Wiebke Huhs understands excellently how to make you feel well taken care of from the first second on and how to work naturally on such a big ego topic as your own voice. The results "speak" for themselves. I would never have expected to understand so much in just one day and to be able to implement it right away. Thank you very much!

Alice Westphal, Health Coach
The day on voice with Wiebke was great cinema. I found the aspect on "voice and space" especially brilliant. I now know how to create a Dolby Surround effect with my voice, which is extremely important when speaking a lot in front of larger groups and audiences. A big thank you, Wiebke!

Claudia Chinello, Poker in Business
Wir haben einen 2-Tages Workshop gebucht, der ganz auf unsere Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten war. Und obwohl ich viel erwartet hatte, wurden meine Erwartungen mehr als übertroffen. Stimmtraining und Stimmentwicklung, eigenes Mindset, die Beziehung zum Publikum, das Auftreten und Spiel als Speaker in verschiedenen Rollen - Es gab kein Thema, das von Wiebke Huhs in Bezug auf meine Anforderungen nicht vollumfänglich abgedeckt wurde. Ich bin unglaublich beeindruckt und kann Wiebke Huhs mit vollster Überzeugung empfehlen. Sie hat mir sogar Übungen mit auf den Weg gegeben, um ein italienisches "R" zu trainieren und formulieren - das hat in den vergangenen 42 Jahren noch niemand geschafft!

Marcus Selzer, Managing Director Golden Sail Consulting GmbH
How do I make people stick to my lips during my presentation? I went into the workshop with Wiebke with this task in mind. And I was not disappointed. Wiebke convinced me with her enormous experience, effective practical exercises and endless patience. I have taken a lot with me in the 2 days. Thank you Wiebke, I am already looking forward to the continuation.

Ewa Ming, boss of SuisseEMEX
Your power workshop opened a new world for me. Thank you for this highlight!

Dr. med. Peter A. Fricke, Expert for Shortcut Business Psychology
A complete transformation of the voice! Wiebke Huhs is a master of her craft. The workshop consisted of physical exercises, theoretical lessons and above all many practical exercises with immediate feedback for correction. I learned what is important when speaking in front of an audience, so that the voice is authentic and also reaches the audience, and we practiced it until every participant could do it. The most impressive thing for me was the realization of how just the awareness when speaking, the inner mental field, affects the fullness of sound, the carrying capacity and the intelligibility. I recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to be convincing in front of their audience.