Experience the Power of Your Voice
Learn how to influence your audience consciously and subconsciously
Learn how to be a top-performing entrepreneur even though travelling a lot
Your Brand: Voice - Experience what you didn't know about your voice yet.

It is the clearest and most unmistakable branding that you possess. It is your very own business card – your absolutely unmistakable trademark: Your voice. It grows with you, it expresses every day what moves you. And yet we pay attention to it only when it does not work or not as we want!
However, it has the power to touch people, to open closed doors, to make the impossible possible, if you know how to use it.
In this lecture, learn what your voice can do for you, if you start to lift the treasure!

The WOW Effect - How you influence your impact
Did you know that in a conversation, a meeting or during a presentation you can already put your business partners, your customers or your audience in a positive mood for you, even without saying a single word? How often do you use your thoughts and voice to
relax the mood in the room, “boil down” upset people, or energize a tired crowd? And do you know how to create goosebumps, touch people, or win a power struggle for yourself without verbally fighting?
In this talk, you’ll learn how to tap into the 90 percent that lies in your subconscious mind to playfully create your WOW effect.
Travel a lot and perform at the top - 21 survival tips on how to do it optimally

Jetlag, cab, station food – every day in a different place and then still perform top.
How to do that without ending up in burnout?
Wiebke Huhs gives you in this lecture 21 tips for voice, body, health and psyche to the hand, so you relaxed and stress-free your challenges master.
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