Voice + Presence = Your Uniqueness
The Key to Your Success
Imagine walking into a room and immediately having everyone’s attention. And when you speak, people would hang on your every word because you speak expressively and with a full voice.
Imagine you could communicate any of your ideas, inspire people with them and make your dreams come true. Would that be great?
And would it be even better if all this were super easy and even fun for you?
Then I tell you: it is possible – and you are only 7 steps away from it!
You have already done the first one. You are here and you want to achieve something!
Who am I?
In the last 25 years I have supported more than 500 executives, entrepreneurs, self-employed, coaches and trainers with my method and my mentoring program:
- Develop a presence that matches one’s personality, is perceived as pleasant, attentive and approachable, and elicits respect and esteem.
- To have confidence in their own voice and performance.
- To come into their full potential.
Why I can do this?
As an opera and concert singer who has been performing internationally on stages and in concert halls for over 20 years, e.g. singing in front of 3,500 people in Hamburg’s Michel, my voice has to perform at its best every day and I have to be at the top of my game – i.e. function at 150 percent at the decisive moment, even if I am overtired or have a cold. And my experience as a radio journalist brings the knowledge compactly, interestingly and crisply to the point – in the classic 1 minute 30 seconds.
Sounds interesting? Then let’s talk. Book your free 30-minute consultation here.
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Why do I want to be your coach?
I believe that you are unique and carry an incredible potential with you.
I believe that the world needs exactly this potential, you and your ideas and visions. But in order for you to be effective, you need to be able to express this potential – with voice, body, words and gestures. And you can only captivate other people with your personality when you feel comfortable and confident doing so.
As an opera and concert singer who has been performing internationally as a soloist for over 15 years, for example in Seattle or Vienna, or singing in front of 3,500 people in Hamburg’s Michel, I know how to deliver a top performance even when you yourself are not in the best of shape. I also know that goosebumps only appear in the audience when you combine your top skills with your unique personality.
And that is exactly what I show you in my coaching
– how to express yourself with your voice, body and presence
– how to combine this know-how with your personality and thus be unique- and how you can feel easy, comfortable and secure!
And as I said – it’s only 7 steps!
Hermann Josef Schmitz Trainer for executives in banking
Ms. Huhs is great! She always perceives me very holistically, has a good feel for what I need and can implement, is always patient and yet very clear on my goal and creates more change in me than I ever thought.
Verena Bühler Sales partner advice and consulting
Wiebke Huhs is a brilliant voice trainer. Within a short time I trained my vocal cords in such a way that I changed the Schwyzerdütsch, i.e. speaking out of my throat. Thank you very much, Ms. Huhs, for your professionalism in helping people get a beautiful voice and getting rid of bad habits quickly and efficiently.
Dirk Stöcker Triup sales training
I was enthusiastic about the technical know-how as well as the quick implementation of the tips and methods. This voice training was an extremely important experience.
Dr. med. Peter A. Fricke Expert in Shortcut Business Psychology
A master of her trade! A complete transformation of the voice! The most impressive thing for me was the realization of how consciousness alone influences the inner mental field when speaking, the fullness of sound, the carrying capacity and the intelligibility. I recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to be convincing in front of their audience.
Events - Save the DATE
European Speaker Award
Europa sucht den Super-Speaker
Straßburg, 17.07.2021 10:00-21.00 Uhr
CIARUS, 7 Rue Finkmatt,67000 Strasbourg, Frankreich